“Cielo” Firing Kiln Notes

Unloaded the Cielo firing of my kiln this morning with a couple of test pieces, as well as more than a dozen new Shards. I was anxious to see the results and they were great. Fingers crossed that this consistency keeps up.

The best news was the oxide finish that I applied to the leather hard pieces worked perfectly. If I had know how well it would turn out, all the pieces would have gotten that oxide wash. It’s a 50/50 suspension wash of red and black oxide in water, brushed on the leather-hard clay, then wiped off carefully. The dark patina in the crevices of the little sculptures then become part of the clay instead of an after-firing surface finish.

Here are the results on the two pieces I tested, Cielo #11 and #12, straight out of the kiln:

Compare these to two others from the same firing without the oxide wash and you can see why I’m excited – these will need some surface treatment to enhance the contours:

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