
Every so often, I get a note from a friend that I really want to share with you all – here’s one from Paige, a writer (and much more). I think I’ll tape the quote to my work desk.

Heartiest congratulations for a sparkling 2013 in your new studio – what a great start!  I am so happy for you – and for all of us who will be nurtured in this space, and, hopefully, will be moved to nurture in response. It’s the give and take that makes life sing – the space between the notes that makes the music.

In that spirit, I want to share a quote for the New Year by Elizabeth Asquith Bibesco. Each January I start the New Year with a focus thought rather than a resolution. This is one that extends the Golden Rule and sounds like a “Beatitude” but isn’t: “Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting.”



2 thoughts on “Friends

    • What a beautiful person you are to share such beauty with the rest of us. You are blessed and so are all of us who have you as a part of our lives!

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