Today’s the Studio semi-official opening – hope you can drop by. I was hoping my awning sign would be up, but, alas, it’s still not ready so you will just have to use your fine creative imagination. It’s a Zen banner, Grasshopper.
However, I did want to tell you about two new workshops in case you wanted to reserve a spot before I put out the sign-up sheets at the opening party today at 3:00. I’m excited about both of them – they will be new territory for me, although I’ve studied both subjects. Just email me if these sound like something you’d like to learn more about – Spirit Dolls (March 3rd), and Mala Meditation Bracelets and Prayer Flags (March 17th). Here’s the info – click on it for the printable version. Hope to see you today at the Studio! Come hungry. It’s a place of creative belonging – and noshing.