Do you ever commit to a great idea, then realize how close it’s getting? Well, here I go again – it’s open studio time, and I’ll have lots of new ScentShards, SprigShards, spirit pins, shard faces, journals, votive screens – at least that’s the plan! If nothing else, there will be lots of food with Chef Mike in charge of the cooking.
Please plan to drop by – I know there are a zillion things going on in December (like the King William Home Tour on this same day) but we would like to wish you a happy holiday. Whether you go home with some artsy gifts or just a full tummy, we’d love to see you.
But wait! There’s more – if you subscribe to my new blog, Shards, (see form on right) I’ll put your name in a drawing for a custom magnetic shard adornment pin. You don’t need to be there to win – I will get someone to do the drawing during the event and email you.