Another fine Saturday Show and Tell has come to an end, but the memory lingers in the video sampler (below). Lesta Frank performed some decorated paper magic, and Jasmina Wellinghoff dazzled us with her paintings, as you will see. Another hot topic was Christie Smith’s basketry skills and her information on TOWN, the Texas Outdoors Woman Network. Through the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife, they offer weekend workshops on everything from Natural Fiber Basketry to Scuba Diving to Shotgun Basics – dang! Check it out.
I’m so grateful to all of the Show and Tell participants for teaching each of us who was there something new and inspiring. Before I pop in the Show and Tell video, congrats to SHARDS subscriber for being the random-drawing winner for the Friday Freebie Shard Pin Kit – email me with your mailing info – yay! And if *you* didn’t win, you can order one cheap cheap from my Etsy site. Be sure and tell me if you want warm colors or cool colors in your kit. Now on to the August Studio Show and Tell Revue!
PS – did y’all see today’s Google Doodle honoring tennis great Althea Gibson? Pretty cool.

Althea Gibson’s 87th birthday
Sounds like a good one! Tx for always sharing and inspiring us Lynn!, aloha, angi in hana
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