Spirit Dolls Abound! Thanks, Joanna!

Joanna Powell Colbert is an artist and inspriation. She sent me a note today via Facebook:

Hi Lyn! I started my tutorial on making Spirit Dolls on my blog today. Just wanted you to know — hoping to send lots of folks your way.

These amazing creations really do give new life and spirit to the little shard faces. It’s exciting to be a part of it in a small way. Joanna’s work is incredible. I hope you have a chance to look at her beautiful Gaian Tarot Cards. I ordered a deck when I first “met” her on Etsy and each one is a wonderful work of art and human-ness. I’m going to follow her tutorial and see where it takes me – surely to some new ideas for Spirit Boxes and collages. Here’s Joanna’s photograph from her blog, Gaian Soul:

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