At our last aromatherapy workshop, my scientist friend Bill Kurtin said, “The longer I research essential oils, the more open I become to the possibilities.” I feel the same way about the Spirit Dolls – yesterday’s workshop was almost magical, both in process and result. I swear, these little figures take on a life of their own. I’ll let the video show you the results – thanks to all of the participants. What synergy you guys created!
If you’d like to try your own Spirit Doll, here’s a free instruction book from moi. And here are couple of things I’ve learned over the course of facilitating four of these workshops:
- There are guidelines for starting the structure (see my directions in the booklet), but after that, open up to possibilities – you’ll see what I mean when you make your own – there is not One Right Answer just as there is not one right intention for creating them.
- Stretchy gauze bandages make wonderful wrappings for the bodies – quilt batting cut in strips makes good padding.
- Tear some of your fabric into long thin strips – it makes wrapping the bodies easier and give a nice soft aged and tattered look.
- We use my EarthShards for the faces, but you can use anything – air-dry clay rolled into a flattened ball works well – you can draw or mold a face. You could probably adhere your own photo, but that would have a different purpose.
- Don’t search too hard for the right fabric or trim – use what you have and recycle. It will turn our better (and more meaningful) if you don’t over plan or over-decorate.
- Don’t be “finished” – add new things every so often – a found feather, a bead from a broken bracelet – let it evolve.
Check out the video – we all started exactly the same way with the same possibilities, and look how these Spirit Dolls defined themselves!