Dance first . . . .

dance_edited-1I love that quote – It sums up my first year at the Studio pretty well. I’m just lucky I didn’t dance off a cliff since I had no direction or experience! You guys were the ones who helped me keep my feet on the ground by coming to workshops, giving me hugs, furniture, encouragement, soup, chocolate, arty treasures, inspiration from near and far, and so much more. Thanks very, very much for everything. I wish each of you a new year of dancing and adventure, the inside kind and the outside kind. Just don’t dance off any cliffs.

Save the date for the Lyn Belisle Studio First Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, January 19th from 3-6 p.m. We’ll share food and libation, little gifties, conversation, and fantastic music by the wonderful Classical guitarist, George Gaytan. Please come! Just for fun here’s the old invitation from a year ago – time goes fast when you’re dancing! I’ll send out the new “official” invitation after Christmas. Happy holidays, everyone – I am so grateful for you.



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