Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. and Heather Ash Amara at the Studio

Talk about an enlightening weekend – authors, teachers and friends Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. (whose father wrote the beloved Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book) and TOCI founder Heather Ash Amara were our guests on the San Antonio stop of their spring speaking tour. The did their live webcast from the studio last night – hope you got to see it.

Afterwards, I asked Miguel to talk to SHARDS subscribers about art and the acceptance of our work – his answers are interesting and surprising. The bad news is that our work will never be accepted by everyone – but the good news is that we’ll learn a lot! I wish the sound were better (the iPhone was my only camera), but Miguel’s words are wise – and sometimes surprising!

At the end of this post, you’ll find a link to a great short video with Heather Ash on Living the Four Agreements. Thanks, guys, for sharing your practical wisdom with us!

Heather Ash Amara on Living the Four Agreements




2 thoughts on “Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. and Heather Ash Amara at the Studio

  1. Lynn… thank you for this post. I so agree. I make my Spirit Dolls and sell them in my antique collective. While they sell very well, many of my dealers think they are ‘weird’ ‘spooky’, etc. My internet customers all love them, as do your! I love surfing the net, Pinterest, and over and over… there are your lovely shards and Spirit Dolls. Thanks for being an inspiration to us all!
    Sweet Blessings, Chris

  2. Thank you, Lyn, for these two postings! Whereas I regret missing the live webcast, these two videos take me back to my roots. (I began studying The Four Agreements years ago. I say “began” because it is a process that continues to be alive – the stalking of ones self for impeccability in word, thought, actions, etc.) I truly appreciate who you are, Lyn, and how you so generously share your spirit!

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