One of my life’s great joys is getting feedback and photos from artists who find a workshop useful and then adapt it to their own style and aesthetics. That’s exactly the purpose of teaching classes like the new Secrets of the Spirit Box.
Here’s a magnificent example from Patricia Mosca, friend and fabulous artist. She emailed me this morning, saying “I have attached a picture of a Secret Message Bearer that I did…(my style of course).” Look!
And here is how she describes her creation on her Facebook page:
Just as she transforms the idea of Secrets of the Spirit Box, she also transforms my Earthshard faces by painting them in a realistic way that brings a different kind of life to them.
Brava, Patricia, for raising the bar on taking the basics and flying with them to new heights!
Another wonderful artist friend, Ann Leach, is also interpreting the Spirit Boxes and their secrets in her own style. Look at this assortment of her “Sea Sisters SEAcret Spirit Boxes.”
Ann is also the driving force behind the Call for Elemental Spirit Dolls. I’ll be talking more about this in detail, but for now, please follow this link to see more:
And, yep, that’s my Spirit Doll on the poster. Won’t you join in?
Wonderful idea and efforts!
Wonderful pieces and very inspiring. I can’t wait to finish watching and digging in!
Ooooo, this will be exciting and inspired.
Wonderful dolls and interpretations!
And I will be thrilled to participate in the virtual Spirit Dolls exhibition! Going back to the table today!
Lynn, I love both the follower’s art plus the entry for the earth, water exhibit. My mind is racing. I wish there was more time.
My spirit character is coming soon.