It’s the Shish-ka-barbies – – run away!

What happens when I’m back home in the little studio on a cold, rainy day and I’m procrastinating about a jillion things, including making my New Year’s resolutions? I channel my inner Craft-Mama-Goddess and make Shish-ka-Barbie dolls instead!


And I can hear you out there, saying, “Oh, Lyn – how can *I* make a Shish-ka-barbie of my own?” Never fear – one of my goals for the next year is to make more free tutorials, even if they do have a slightly Goofy Factor like this one. So here ya go –

But wait, there’s more – I’ll be giving away these guys as the first Friday Freebie of 2015, so stay tuned. Bye for now – hope you’re looking forward to a very Happy New Year!


10 thoughts on “It’s the Shish-ka-barbies – – run away!

  1. “Oh, Lyn – how can I make some Shish-ka-Barbies of my own!!” lol Love these new creations. And I definitely love your free tutorial videos. You are such a generous artist. Thanks for sharing so many of your ideas with those of us who are too far away to come visit your studio and take one of your classes in person. Wishing you a fabulous coming new year filled with inspiration and abundance.

  2. Lyn! Your imagination truly knows no bounds! What fun! Thanks so much for the tutortial. First thing tomorrow I’m dashing over to Trader Joe’s for some bamboo skewers as all my house plants are aggitating for their very own Shish-ka-Babes or Shish-ka-Spirits (depending on their level of consciousness…). Such wonderful ideas fill you head!

  3. Lyn, Your tutorial & dolls are wonderful and so fun! Did you get the bamboo skewers at Trader Joe’s? I have not seen those before. You have inspired me! I need to get to work and make some dolls for birthday presents for my two sisters which are in Jan & Feb. Thanks so much for sharing! Linda

  4. Pingback: Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘to do’ list | SHARDS: fragments and reflections

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