It works! The little Skutt kiln that I bough on Craig’s List, brand new, has been wired, test fired and welcomed home to its own little tented firing pavillion outside my garden gate. The wiring cost half as much as the kiln itself, but the total cost was still less than half of what it would have cost from a retail clay supplier.
By the way, Clay World, which took over Hood Clay, my supplier in the 80’s, is a wonderful place for potters. I can get in as much trouble there as I can in any art store. They have beautiful carved wooden stamps, tools, books – oh. my.
The Scent Shards page is growing and expanding on my own website – check out the videos. No matter what happens, this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. See the little kiln’s new home in these photos. There’s a shelf above the kiln with the Kiln Gods that my grandsons made to ensure a good firing, and there’s a drying rack for unfired pieces – it’s a wonderful space.