Oh, boy – a new year, and a party!

I’m so excited about the upcoming First Anniversary Celebration at the Studio. It’s just two weeks from tomorrow. Please know that you’ll be an honored guest, and there will be a free little face shard for all SHARD subscribers along with lots of food and fun and music . . .and . . well, anniversary celebration stuff!! And if you’re not from around these parts and would like to participate virtually, email me and I’ll put your name in the pot for a door prize drawing.

Here’s your invitation – now, please excuse me, gotta go back to party preparations. Oh, boy!!


4 thoughts on “Oh, boy – a new year, and a party!

  1. Hi Lyn, I tried to email you to be included in the draw as I’m way too far away to attend in person. My email wasn’t delivered to you. I’d love to be included in the draw. Have a wonderful Birthday Celebration.

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