I have LABS (lazy artist blogger syndrome) – no entries for several weeks – but the good part is, I’ve been working – a lot! Custom Kindle cover requests are coming in and I’ve sold over 70 covers since my Etsy shop opened in August. It’s wonderful, lots of experimenting and learning – speaking of learning . . .one of the things I discovered after getting back into collage after so long away is the slew of new products available, mostly thanks to the scrapbookers out there.
I was watching a collage video on You Tube and the demonstrator kept talking about Soft Get for adhering paper – what’s that?? I found some at Michael’s and tried it – great stuff! It works beautifully for delicate papers such as joss and tea papers. Here’s a pic of one of the latest covers with joss paper accents:
It also makes a good over-coating because it’s quite flexible and transparent.
Another news flash – it snowed in San Antonio this morning. Trinity University is closed, so I get to spend the day in the studio – yay! Here’s a view out the studio doors – poor Prius.