Earth Day 2013 – and a sneak preview about artist Pablo Solomon

earthday 2013My memories of the first Earth Day involve getting in trouble at Alamo Heights Junior School (I was a *very* young art teacher) for organizing an activist march for my students. My principal, Mr. Ivy, was not pleased with my rabble-rousing, mini-skirt-wearing, hippie ways. Forty+ years later, how things have changed – or have they? Thoughts? Pablo Solomon, internationally known artist and designer, featured in National Geographic for his part in the first Earth Day in an article by Mark Anderson, lives for the earth’s conservation. In a recent interview, Pablo says, “Do what you can to obtain a green freedom, a philosophy that there is no greater freedom than energy independence.” He created the first Earth Day poster and has done another one each year since 1970. Here is this year’s (left)

But wait! There’s more! Pablo Solomon with be at the Studio in June for an informal lecture, exhibit and sale of his work. I am really excited about his visit. Mark the weekend of June 21-22 on your calendar.


In the meantime, celebrate Earth Day – as Marshall McLuhan reminds us, there are no passengers on Spaceship Earth – we are all crew.