Like many San Antonians, one of my favorite events of the year is Esperanza Peace and Justice Center’s art and craft market.
Artists from Mexico and the Southwest show an amazing array of cool stuff, and I always come away with a zillion ideas. I especially love seeing my friend, talented Linda Rael, there because she has the best ideas to steal. I purchased one of her wonderful fabric sculptures to examine more closely! Here are some photos from the Market, and under those is a video of some assemblages I finished on Sunday after being totally inspired and excited by all of the things I saw.
When I came home from the market, I worked most of the weekend completing a series of Heart Shard assemblages – objects of devotion. These figures represent small iconic blessings, much like my earlier Guardian series. There may be more of these to come, and they will be available at the Saturday Studio Sale with Lesta, Jan and Alison.
I love these heart shard assemblages. They Are Wonderful. Perhaps there’s a Artful Gathering class here? Very spiritual.
Lovely idea, Paula – thank you!
Thanks Lynn, Happy December 1.
Thanks, Linda – I love my cat woman 🙂