Lighter look for SHARDS?

What do you think? Do you like the lighter look? Everything else is the same except the color scheme. I think it’s easier to read. Maybe it was because I was working with so much white during Wednesday’s workshop, but this seems to be a nice change. Let me know.

OK, back to work — have a wonderful weekend, and stay dry in those predicted thunderstorms!




20 thoughts on “Lighter look for SHARDS?

  1. LOVE the lighter look. It’s also easier to read if one is outside — and now that spring seems to have mostly arrived, outside is where I’ll be.

  2. Lynn, it is gorgeous. I have you DVD from Artful Gathering so I am going to try going lighter. I’ll sho w you when I finish. I love your blog. Wish I lived closer and could take a class. Thanks, Ann

  3. Ann, I think this is a new direction for a lot of us – in Jane Davies’ workshop we used a lot of white, and it started me thinking in that way – it’s fun. Do send pics!! xoxo

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