Have you ever wanted to get your work out there in public – and help people at the same time? Yeah? So why not apply to become an Artist in Residence at Imagine Crafts? There’s an open call right now and they are looking for DIYers, Card Makers, Memory Keepers, Mixed Media and more.
You can go here to see all of the requirements and benefits, but basically, they send you their crafting supplies for free and you come up with three small projects a month to show creative ways to use them
These guys are near and dear to my heart because they represent Tsukineko, the Walnut Ink makers.And it’s a friendly group, too – I’m not affiliated with them other than that I buy my weight in Walnut Ink from them every month or so, but when I need advice about orders or products, they are right there.
Here are some of the kinds of projects that the Artists in Residence come up with:

Classy Halloween Art Journal Page by Jowilna Nolte

Must Have My Creative Medium! by Renee Zarate
You guys can do this, and it would be fun!! Think of the mixed media things you’ve done in Studio workshops or tried on your own, and then come up with a catchy project and name. OK, here are some goofy ideas to get you started – I’ll make up the names and you can make the projects for your application –
- Catchy Cactus Coasters
- Mini-billboard Pet Portraits
- Rocks that Rock
- Starry Night Sleep Tee
- Jazz-Score Journal
See? That took me about five seconds to think of a few ideas – you can do better, Kid – get out there and be famous, and you can thank me when you have your own international design line. Here’s where to apply. (And tell ’em Lyn sent you 🙂