The Fiber Artists of San Antonio sponsored a workshop yesterday afternoon with printmaker Junanne Peck, whose printmaking techniques include collagraphs, drypoint, polyester plate lithography, etching and monotypes. I had taught printmaking in public school, but it was a long time ago and I learned some new things from Junanne that I thought I’d share with you.
First, she is a demonstrator artist for Akua printing inks, a division of Speedball. We used this ink for monotype printing and I was impressed with the texture and pigmentation. They also make fabric printing inks that are permanent once dried. Check it out.
But the item that really intrigued me was the PinPress – a hand operated roller-type system that produces beautiful monotypes.
It’s made by Akua – here’s what they say about it: The PinPress was designed specifically for monotype printmaking. The roller is precisely machined to an incredibly even and smooth surface for uniform contact between the roller, paper and plate. Durable all metal construction made of aluminum and brass bushings insures long lasting, trouble-free printing.
I used this press during the workshop to make a monotype print with the Akua inks and liked the feel of it a lot. It costs $235, so it is a bit pricey for a small studio, but if you are into monoprinting, the PinPress is a great solution and produces nice prints with good embossed edges. And it’s definitely cheaper than a conventional heavy flat-bed press!
All of us enjoyed the afternoon with Junanne – she’s a great teacher. Here are some photos from the workshop.
Last but not least, congrats to the Friday Freebie winner of the texture tool set whose email address is “” I like that! Send me your contact info and I’ll get these to you right away – you can scratch and texture to your heart’s content.