Have you noticed that little gifts mean even more in tough times? I’m not sure I ever realized that before the “Age of COVID” smacked us all around and left everybody’s crystal balls all fogged up. But some things never change, like creative thoughtfulness.
When I published my new eBook,
Postcards to Myself, I wrote it primarily for individual artists
(beginners and seasoned) who needed an engaging method to
discover, curate, and
record their best techniques.
But those artists have taken the “postcard” idea and run with it.
I just got this note from one of them:
Just wanted to let you know that I really got caught up in your class “Postcards to Myself”. I never really understood how to do collage until I took this class. I was gathering quite the stack of them and finally decided to share them.
I wrote words of inspiration on the Mat board before I started the collage. I put them in envelopes and sent them out to friends and those who might be needing a little bit of encouragement during this pandemic.
Creating the art helped me immensely! I probably send out between 75 and 100 of them. What fun I’ve had! Thanks for teaching the class!
Niki W.
Here’s Niki’s work table with postcards in progress:
This email was totally unexpected – and frankly, pretty exciting! Who wouldn’t want an actual piece of art in the mail? Niki, you are the best!
Another “giving” idea (from me to you) is my
free workshop called
The Lotus Book. Currently, there are
111 artists enrolled in that class, watching the instructional videos, and creating these art books. In the
Lotus Book workshop, I encourage you to make these little journals a
gifts for others.
Here are some emails and examples that artists have sent to show me what they’re doing:
Hi, Lyn,
I just finished my first lotus book! Thank you so much for a wonderful time, for sharing your creativity with all of us. Here are the pics. Not the greatest, had to use a cat snoozie for a background and the light wasn’t quite right, but you’ll get the idea.Seems like a win-win during this Pandemic time. Stay safe! ~ Kate
This book, from Anna, has such great pattern coordination – lucky someone, whoever gets this one!
And this note, from Carolyn, combines the Postcard book techniques with the Lotus Book! Brilliant!
Hi Lyn,
I’m having so much fun watching your classes and then working on the projects. The first two photos are of the Lotus book. I had cut out some 4×4 pieces from some scrap from the Postcards to Myself class and decided they would look great applied to a Lotus book. The third photo is from the Postcards to Myself class but without the wax. They’re just the inspiration and distraction l needed. ~ Carolyn

My job in all of this is to encourage you to create with a purpose – creative thoughtfulness is a win-win.
Here’s the ink to the free Lotus Book workshop.
And here’s the link to the Postcard book – it’s not free but it’s very affordable and will reward you will much gratitude fro your friends who are graced with your mail art!
Trust yourself, trust the process, and take good care this week –
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I sat last week with my 13 year old homeschooled daughter and watched the lotus book videos, so wonderful to share together and talk over ideas. Thank you so much for your generosity. Kind Greetings from NZ!!
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