(Our regularly scheduled post will begin after this commercial message)
Come to the Texas Hill Country Saturday morning and learn to make a spirit doll with native materials and good intentions! There are three spots left! Click here!
(OK, now back to our regularly scheduled post.)
I’ve spent almost a week in Big D and lived to tell the tale! Last fall, I was invited to do a presentation for DAFA, the Dallas Area Fiber Artists, and to teach workshops on mixed media to their group.
They decided that they want to learn more about Composition and Collage, so that’s what we did on Saturday. I taught two three-hour workshops, and it was really fun. Each participant was a skilled fiber artist and the way they arranged and embellished their images was fascinating.
Here are some examples:
Nice, right?
On Monday evening for the DAFA monthly meeting, I did a mini-workshop before the presentation. It was called “The Enduring Kimono” and I taught them how to fold small kimonos from paper just to learn how the folds work. These are similar to the large kimonos that I made in the 90’s, only a lot smaller!
If you’d like to give it a try, here are the directions that I gave to the DAFA members to follow along with as we learned to fold the kimono model.
Finally, I did a presentation for the DAFA members called “Shards and Mirrors: Life is just one big mixed media collage.” and I talked about how we can find a small shard of inspiration anywhere, and mirror it through our own creative intuitition into a new work of art.
Eggshells, for example, inspired my fiber art piece, below with the idea of eggs and cocoons. I used silk cocoons on the piece as symbolic elements.
It was a great trip – many thanks to everyone who welcomed me and learned with me. This is an extraordinary group of artists. To learn more about the Dallas Area Fiber Artists, visit their website, here.
Very cool!
Thanks so much for the inspiration, Lyn. Very interesting. I love the piece inspired by the eggshells! And of course, I’m going to try the kimono!
Love these collages and LOVE the kimonos! I am too poor an artist (single & on SS) to afford your workshop but your great pics are an inspiration! Thank you!
Lyn, Wonderful collages! Thanks for the kimono instructions. Love your fiber piece!
Lovely pieces, as always, Lyn. The piece with eggs and silk cocoons is wonderful and serene, and I must give the kimono a try.
Does the maker of the collage with the lady on the bicycle know who this woman is? (I do.)
Where on Earth does one find silk cocoons?????