I survived this morning’s tooth pulling (hooray), and, almost like a reward, the article my friend Jasmina Wellinghoff wrote about my new work came out today in SA Woman Magazine. She did a fabulous job of organizing my randomness. And Janet Rogers took a photo that made me wish I looked like that 🙂 – I am very grateful to both of them. Click on the photo to read the article if you’re interested. Now back to the ice pack.
What a glorious beginning to your new venture! The article was great and the picture did a great job of showcasing your art, talent, and beauty. I am so pleased for you, and am patting myself on the back that I get to call you my friend. Keep me in the loop for all the workshops. I will try to make it down for one sometime this spring or summer if I can. Hugs and kisses to Mike and the cats and the tortoises. I miss all of you. Keep making great art!
We miss you, too – and the timing on the article was incredible. I was very lucky, and Jasmina is a good, perceptive journalist – I will definitely keep you in the loop, dear Sherry 🙂