Meanwhile, back at the Studio

Back at last from Boston with lots of inspiration and good memories! Look what was waiting for me on Facebook yesterday, just in time for Eileen Achorn’s beading workshop this Saturday at the Studio – two fabulous examples of cabochon beading using my face shards. These were done by Kathy Cosgrove from Round Lake Beach, Illinois. She wrote, “I purchased a few of your shards a few months ago and I wanted to share with you the outcome of my projects.” All I can say is, “WOW.”

This is an extension of the same technique that Eileen will be teaching, although she will (blessedly) start us off with the basics – if you’re in San Antonio, I hope you’ll consider joining us from 11-2 next Saturday the 15th at the Studio. Here’s the sign-up link. I had no idea that the little clay faces could be elevated to the kid of art that Eileen and Kathy do! And Eileen promises that even I, with little patience and no beading experience to speak of, can do this. We’ll see. I’ll send a report and pics after the workshop if you can be there in person.

Now, repeat after me . . . there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home . . . . .:)


OK, so maybe that’s a little hokey, but I did want to let you know about three cool June workshops before I leave for Boston. Here’s the Amazing, Stupendous lineup:

shellsWednesday, June 12, 6-8 p.m. at the Studio: Shards Pins  – This one happened kind of by request, and there are three spots left, so if you want to make some really pretty wearable art ornaments with earthenware faces, come join us that Wednesday evening – here’s the link to the description (tuition same as usual, $55 and all materials included)  and here’s where to sign up.

trioSaturday, June 15th, 11 a.m.-2 the Studio: Shard Faces and Cabochon Beading: Master Class with Eileen Achorn (Beginners Welcome, Too!) This will be a rare and wonderful opportunity to work with Guest Artisan Eileen, whose beadwork is astounding. She’s a wonderful teacher, as well – heck, she’s a prof at UTSA. There are five spaces left at this point. Tuition $65, basic materials such as backings and face shards included (except for beads-BYOBeads :)) Optional: Eileen will be at Ann Pearce’s next door to the Studio to help you select beads with Ann before the class from 10-11 a.m. Here’s a link to the description and to the signup.

ladsmSunday, June 30th, 3-5 p.m. at the Studio: Digital Transfer and Painting Workshop
I’m really excited about this technique and have used it for all of the work I’m taking to the Beacon Hill Art Walk. We’ll use TAP paper to transfer the images, then incorporate them into a mixed-media work with paint and other media. Five spots left for this workshop (which will go fast, so even though it’s over a month away, you might want to sign up now). I will probably repeat this workshop in July, just FYI, if it goes as well as I think it will. Here’s the link to the description and here’s the link to sign up.

That’s all for now from Workshop-O-Rama Central. I’m off to practice my Boston accent so the natives will understand me – lets see . . .“I pahked my cahr in Hahhvad Yaahhrd . . “ OOh, wicked good. 🙂