All GAGA about the Rainbow Corpse

Why this installation is called “The Exquisite Rainbow Corpse” eludes me – but it opens this evening at the The Southwest School of Art. Created by members of GAGA (including me), the Corpse consists of 90 12″x12″ works that correspond to individual ROYGBIV color chips (the rainbow color sequence: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Want a sneak preview of the installation?corpsetogether TA-DAH!
My two pieces are in the third row on the left-ish side (how appropriate – so are my politics) – you may remember the pieces from this post, but here’s one – gives you a sense of the scale of the overall installation. Please come by tonight (5-8 pm) and see the exhibit. There are so many styles represented that it should be most interesting. Ya get gagalighta big group of women artists together and you’re gonna have some crazy-good collaborating!

Now, if you want a weekend art challenge, go to the paint store, pick a color chip at random (or choose a color from this site), and create a small piece in which 75% of the content is that color – it’s a very thoughtful exercise . . .and not an easy one.

Happy weekend, everyone, and Happy Mother’s Day – we all had one, and we’re here because of her. Thanks, Mom – I sure do miss you!



GAGA is the acronym for Gentileschi Aegis Gallery Association, and I’m a new member, jumping in with both feet. The group’s name comes from Artemisia Gentileschi, a painter from the Early Baroque period, and invokes the protection of the Greek goddess Athena’s shield, Aegis, named in “The Iliad.” The upcoming GAGA group show opens on Friday, May 9 at the Southwest School of Art. (Save the date!)

This GAGA exhibit is nicknamed ROYGBIV (colors of the spectrum), and each artist member received two paint chips from a selection of house paint colors which had to comprise at least 70% of their 12″x12″ works. Cool concept! The group’s 120 pieces will be installed in color progression order. So – here are my two pieces, just finished tonight. And, yep, that’s Behr brand house paint you see on the pieces – one lighter chip (“Gumdrops”) and one darker (“Orioles”) of the same hue. Now I get to go clean up all those tiny little glass beads that rolled off onto the studio floor! Art’s a tough game.

gagadark gagalight