Goodbyes, hellos, and how to start a blog

The Medina Mud Band in the early days

The Medina Mud Band in the early days

The Medina Mud Band said goodbye to the Quihi Dance Hall Saturday night, and to the many benefit gigs we’ve played there for Inner City Development. So many friends turned out despite the stormy weather – and the biggest surprise came from Patti and Rod Radle, Inner City’s founders and executive directors, who announced that they had established the Medina Mud Band Cultural Arts Fund for the children at their West Side community center. So the band lives on in a fine legacy – what an honor!

Cousins Pegeen, Jesse, (me), Grace, and Skip

Cousins Pegeen, Jesse, (me), Grace, and Skip

One of the coolest things about the event was meeting my cousins from Louisiana, who drove to Texas for the gig. My cousin Skip has been here before, but I got to meet his daughter and her children in person! We had the best time. The girls wanted to go to the Wax Museum on Alamo Plaza. I have to say that it is one of the weirdest places I’ve ever visited. Many of the life-sized statues were creepily real, while others looked kind of goofy. Here’s a gen-yoo-wine photo of me and Barack Obama – which is wax and which is real??


President Barack Obama gives a high five to Lyn Belisle just before he melts into a puddle of wax

OK, now I’ll bet you are saying, “Gee, I wish I knew how to make a blog so I could put up pictures of touristy wax figures on the Internet.” Help is here – actually, I just remembered that I made some tutorials for my Trinity students on how to make a blog using Blogger. It’s free (all you need is a Google account), and it’s fun. These tutorials should be fairly easy to follow if you want to try it – nobody says you have to keep it.

The only thing you’ll have to remember is that in the first video, I tell the students how to access Blogger through their university account. You’ll just go directly to and take it from there. There are also lots of helpful videos on You Tube as well, and a good help menu on the Blogger site. On your mark, get set – BLOG!


Last Dance for Medina Mud Band


The Medina Mud Band – (from the left, clockwise: Larry Adamson, Gene Dowdy, Don Stephens, John Burke, Rod Enlow, Dave Williams, Bill Kurtin, and Me!)

Some of you guys are old-time MMB Groupies and have followed our band for the last 35 years – thanks, podners! I had had the time of my life playing music with these guys. We got together on Saturday for a day in the country and had this picture made..Our favorite gig (and one that we’ve played for over 20 years) is the Quihi Dance Hall Benefit for Inner City Development, a more-than-worthy cause.

This year’s gig on January 31st, 2015, will be our last, and to commemorate it, I’m designing a “farewell tour” t-shirt for the band members and friends. Here are our three choices – if you’d like to vote on the one you like best, we’d sure appreciate it. We can’t decide! I’ll enter the names of everyone who votes in a drawing for a t-shirt with the winning design. You can cast your vote for Design #1, #2, or #3 on the Google Form below the designs. The first design is bigger, not because it’s necessarily my favorite, but because it’s more horizontal. Thanks for your help!

Design #1

Design #1

Design #2

Design #2

Design #3

Design #3

Workshop, and Friday Freebie on Saturday

So, it’s summer-ish here in mercurial San Antonio – a beautiful day in our neighborhood. First, a quick note – I just had a cancellation for tomorrow’s Celtic Spirit Doll workshop (a friend fell victim to the flu, boo) so if you want the eighth spot, email me quick. It’s from 3-5 tomorrow and it’s the usual (amazingly cheap) tuition of $55 with all materials included. And libations. And grub.

And now, for the Friday – er, Saturday Freebie! It’s a timely and beautiful little felt-and-lace brooch by my talented friend, Alison Schockner – perfect for Valentine’s Day!alison Alison’s creations are legendary – I have two of her wonderful sarong jackets and love them both. You can see her work here on her website. She’s so productive, and every piece that she makes radiates the fun and joy that she shares in her creative life and work. If you are a SHARDS subscriber by midnight tomorrow night, you will be in the drawing for this lovely art-to-wear brooch.

Finally, if the nice weather has you wanting to kick up your heels, drive out to the old Quihi Dance Hall and Gun Club tonight. My band is playing our annual benefit for Inner City Development. It’s a lot of fun for a great cause – here’s the info – YEE HAWWW! I hope I can stay awake past 10:00 p.m.!


Saturday night boot-skootin’

Once a year I get to grab my guitar and hit the road to Quihi, Texas, a small town on the outskirts of a slightly larger small town called Castroville. My buddies and I in the Medina Mud Band (loosely founded in 1979 and still going strong) throw an annual fund-raiser for Inner City Development, a non-profit community group that does great things for San Antonio’s West Side. There’s dancing, beer and tamales, a fantastic Silent Auction, and a chance to do the two-step at one of Texas’ oldest dance halls. Here’s a little homemade video from last year’s gig. So if you’re around this weekend, come out to Quihi and have a great time for a good cause. quihiflyer2013_new