This is kind of interesting – I’m doing some dimensional paintings for the La Vida show on Dec. 6th and have been experimenting with Activa Super-Light Air Dry Clay as part of the process. Look at these fossil-like shards – they weight about as much as a feather but look really cool, kind of like limestone:
These were finished with Tsukineko walnut ink. I’m not sure how I’m going to use them yet, but I know I’ll include this idea in the Exploring Air-Dry Clay workshop on December 15. Scorpion fossil jewelry, anyone?
love this! i esp like the fish and shell. but then again, i’m a mermaid. 😉
Of course, and a good one you are, water woman. Actually I made the fish impression from a lollipop mold!
Those are awesome. Your creativity constantly amazes me. Barb
Lyn, I have been working with clay, plaster and oil paintings of fossils for a while. We need to trade secrets.
They look like worn leather. Beautiful!
there are several air dry clays available as well as several recipes for making the same. Like the one I sent to you which used lime juice as a catalyst. Ciao, Paul PS I am starting to use the ones I have purchased from Hobby Lobby. I just need some moldsThe lollypop is one that I did not think about. Thanks. P
All us bloggers who are wiihsng they were closer should meet up virtually.Lots of us have gotten to know Bloggers from your side of the world from past sscs’s. It would be fun meeting together.